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Penguin Facts

Penguin Facts

While penguins look like mammals they are not, they are actually birds. They are covered with feathers rather than fur and they lay eggs and do not nurse their young.

There are 18 different penguin species, the smallest of which is only 16 inches long. The largest penguin is the Emperor Penguin which stands about 45 inches tall.

Penguins are flightless birds. Penguins spend three-quarters of their lives at sea. Penguins are excellent swimmer and divers. They have strong flippers with push them through the water and they use their webbed feet and tail to steer. A penguin’s wings are flat stiff paddles that propel them through the water. Penguins have a dense covering of thick, water proof feathers. The feathers are meant to keep them warm and dry. Beneath the feathers Penguins have a thick layer of blubber (or fat), that is used to insulate them and keep them warm.

Penguins can swim at speeds of 3-6 miles per hour. On land Penguins walk upright but have an awkward gait or waddle that is distinctive.

Penguins are social birds and when a pair meets, they rub their heads in greeting. Penguins also preen each other’s feathers.

About the Author
Jacob Maddox manages content for Wildlife Animals an educational wildlife and animal website. Jacob also guest writes for Dog Pound


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